Is a Raw Food Diet Right for Your Dog? (4 Pros and Cons to Consider)

Is raw food good for my dog?

If you’re thinking about switching your dog to a raw food diet, this must be the first question that pops into your head.

Well, switching to a raw food diet means replacing all processed dog food, including dog dental chews, with natural, unprocessed meat and vegetables. It’s like when people go paleo!

The supporters of this diet claim that raw dog food can improve your pet’s health and well-being. However, vets don’t recommend it because it can cause many problems, especially when it’s prepared at home. So, before you make a decision on whether to switch to the raw food diet, consider the main pros and cons.

4 Pros of a Raw Food Diet for Dogs

Improved digestion

One of the main reasons pet parents choose the raw food diet for their dogs is that it can improve their digestion. Namely, raw food is natural and unprocessed, thus being easier for dogs to digest. As such, it leads to fewer stomach issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Shinier coat

Raw food contains all essential nutrients and healthy fats, unlike processed food which loses some of them. As such, it can help make your pet’s coat healthier. After switching to this diet, you may notice their coat is shinier and smoother.

Stronger immune system

Being rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, raw foods can help boost your dog’s immune system. A stronger immune system improves your pet’s overall health and helps them fight any health condition.

Better dental health

Lastly, raw food can help keep your dog’s teeth clean and healthy. Chewing on raw bones and other raw foods can help remove plaque and tartar, preventing dental issues such as tooth decay and periodontal disease.

4 Cons of a Raw Food Diet for Dogs

Bacterial infections

Although rich in nutrients, raw food may contain harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and Escherichia Coli. These bacteria can make your dog sick and pose a health risk for you or anyone preparing their food.

Nutritional imbalance

Raw food contains all nutrients because it’s unprocessed. However, it may not provide your dog with ALL THE NECESSARY NUTRIENTS your dog needs. Failing to provide your dog with the right combination of protein, carbs, and fats leads to nutritional imbalance, which leads to various health conditions.

Preparation time

Another drawback of the raw food diet is its time-consuming preparation. Preparing a raw food meal for your furry friend takes a lot of time. You spend time finding the best ingredients, preparing meals, and cleaning up the food mess afterward.


Following the raw food diet is more expensive than feeding your pet traditional dog food. Raw meat and vegetables are pretty costly. Plus, you may need to add vitamin and mineral supplements to your dog’s diet to ensure they receive all nutrients they need.

Final Thought: Is a Raw Food Diet Right for Your Dog?

Whether a raw food diet is right for your dog depends on their needs and preferences. If you want to make sure the raw food diet is the right choice for your dog, talk to your vet. They’ll tell you if this diet is suitable for them or not. You can also talk to other dog parents that have already made the switch and learn from their experience. Most important, do research on all benefits and drawbacks of the raw food diet and weigh them before making a decision.

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