The Dangers of Winter Dental Issues for Dogs and How to Prevent Them

Take your dog’s dental health seriously before it becomes serious!

Winter is the season of laziness, lack of sun, and lower vitamin intake, which increases the chance of developing a dental condition. At first, it may be a seemingly “not-a-big-deal” bad breath. But, if not taken care of, this condition may lead to developing dental disease. 

Did you know that around 80% of dogs suffer from dental disease? The main reason for that is poor dental hygiene.

But, poor dental hygiene in dogs doesn’t lead only to dental issues. It also leads to serious health issues like infections, pain, and organ damage. It’s because the bacteria in your dog’s mouth spread through the bloodstream, attacking every part of their organism.

Unfortunately, there are many dangers of winter dental issues left untreated.

What Are the Dangers of Winter Dental Issues for Dogs?

Tooth loss

Poor dental hygiene can lead to tooth decay. Decayed teeth break easily which causes your dog to lose all their teeth one by one. It also leads to plaque buildup which leads to gingivitis and, eventually, dental disease. And, dental disease results in tooth loss.

Excessive pain

Decayed teeth and gingivitis can cause excessive pain to your dog. While your dog won’t whine about it, as we do, it will lose its appetite or stop eating. A dog, not eating… can you imagine that pain??? 😥

Gingivitis (gum inflammation)

Not cleaning your dog’s teeth regularly results in plaque around the teeth. The plaque affects the dog’s immune system which responds with an inflammatory infection, a.k.a. gingivitis. When not treated in time, gingivitis leads to developing dental disease.

Tooth root abscess

A tooth root abscess is an infection of the tooth root that develops when bacteria spread under the gums. This condition is very painful and can cause serious health problems if not treated in time.

Weaker immune system

Dental diseases left untreated weaken your dog’s immune system. It’s because the bacteria in their mouth spreads and enters their bloodstream. Having a weak immune system, your dog will be prone to inflammations, infections, and diseases and will have a hard time fighting them.


Unfortunately, bacterial infections can be deadly for dogs. Once the bacteria from the mouth enter the bloodstream, they travel through the dog’s body, affecting their organs. They may cause infections to the jaw bone, eyes, ears, heart, and kidneys, and have a lethal result.

How to Prevent These Dangers?

The good news is that all these things are preventable. The best way to prevent these dangers is by preventing the dental issues dogs suffer from in winter. You can do that in the following ways:

Maintain good dental hygiene

Brush your dog’s teeth every day properly. Clean their teeth and gums with quality dog-specific toothpaste.

You should start brushing your dog’s teeth from the day you bring them home or in the first 4 months if you had them from their birth.

Use dog dental chews and treats

Dog dental chews are proven to be the second-best method for cleaning dogs’ teeth. Although they don’t replace toothbrushing, they help clean their teeth, especially on days when your dog just won’t let you brush their teeth.

Apart from cleaning your dog’s teeth, dental treats for dogs also support the development of their jaws and strengthen their jaw power. Moreover, they are delicious and keep your dog busy for hours.

Feed your dog nutritious food

Vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids are essential for your dog’s health. They are especially important in winter when your dog is less active and there aren’t a lot of nutrient-packed foods you can feed them.

The best way to feed your dog nutritious food is by choosing high-quality, unprocessed food that is hard enough to require good chewing, but not too hard, like dog yak chews. You can also feed your dog food specially designed to reduce plaque and tartar from their teeth.

Take your dog on regular dental checkups and professional cleaning

Regular dental checkups allow your vet to follow changes in their dental health and act on time if needed. On the other hand, professional tooth cleaning thoroughly cleans your dog’s teeth and removes all the plaque and tartar, thus preventing dental issues.

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