How to Make Your Dog’s Dental Routine Fun?

Teeth brushing isn’t your dog’s favorite thing, but maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for their overall health. Although you can’t change your dog’s opinion about it, you can introduce brushing in an interesting way.

3 Tips to Introduce Your Dog to Brushing

  • Start with a finger brush

Dogs feel uncomfortable with the whole idea of having their teeth brushed. That’s why, you need to start slow, introducing one thing at a time.

First, let them get used to having their mouth touched. Use a finger brush, or your finger, and slowly start touching their mouth and teeth. If your dog doesn’t like it, stop, and continue later that day or the next day. Repeat that a few times, until your dog gets used to having their teeth touched.

  • Introduce your dog to a toothbrush

Next, replace the finger brush with a toothbrush specifically made for dogs. Let your dog explore it, smell it, lick it; whatever it takes to get them used to it. If it starts biting it, immediately remove it from their mouth and try later that day or the next day.

Once your dog is acquainted with the toothbrush, gently massage their gums and teeth with it. Then, introduce actual teeth brushing.

  • Use a tasty toothpaste

If you want your Dental Routine 101 to succeed, get tasty dog toothpaste. You must never use human toothpaste because it’s toxic for dogs.

When choosing your dog’s toothpaste, consider getting one with chicken or beef flavor. Dogs love meat and getting toothpaste with that flavor will make them want to taste it.

How to Make Your Dog’s Dental Routine Fun?

Brushing and toothbrushes shouldn’t be scary. You need to make your dog like brushing, not freak them out.

The best way to make brushing fun for your dog is by using praise and rewards. Praise your dog after each step, like after allowing you to touch their teeth or massage their gums. And, once you finish brushing your dog’s teeth, give them a treat. Dog dental treats are great; they are tasty, satisfy your dog’s chewing desire, and help keep their teeth clean (although they don’t replace brushing!).

Final Words: Introduce Brushing When Your Dog Is Chill

Every dog reacts differently when being introduced to a toothbrush, toothpaste, and brushing, as an activity. Some may be confused while others may become aggressive (in this case you should stop). However, most dogs refuse to be touched on their mouth and teeth.

That’s why the best time to introduce them to brushing is when they are relaxed or tired enough to not fight you. Your dog may try to fight you either way and pull away the first several times, but they’ll get used to it.

No matter how much your dog may hate the idea of brushing, it’s important to teach them that it’s part of their life and a daily routine.


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